Our weekly worship night is at the centre of our ministry and the reason why Loretto started in the first place. In 1987 a group of students came back from a pilgrimage in Medjugorje and felt a calling by Our Lady to start a weekly prayer group. It was the beginning of the first Loretto Worship Night in a student flat in Vienna.
In London we come together to praise and worship Jesus every Friday night at 7:30 PM in Kew at Stoke House, Pensford Avenue, TW9 4HW Richmond. We want to create a space where people can encounter God through worship, inspiring talks, Lectio Divina, and prayer ministry followed by some informal social time together in friendship.
If you are looking for a community who loves Jesus, loves worshipping together and cares about deep relationship and friendship, come along to one of our worship evening!
Come and
Worship with us